F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter










Next meeting: August 7th @ 6pm,

 Warren County Fairgrounds


          We had a few good shows this past month, the Wings & Wheels was called a

 success, our tractor ride earned around $1000 for the abuse center, and we had a

humid but bearable day for the Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian show, with a special

congrats to Walt Biggs Sr. for Peoples Choice Tractor with his HEMI powered F-20


          A start has been made on the new exit at Oeder’s Lake, this way traffic can flow

through easier and exit on Zoar Rd rather than 22-3. Enclosed is a letter explaining some

of the changes we’ve made for this year as far as fees/parking/etc


          A special note to members interested in the club picnic in August, we need to know

soon if you are coming so please RSVP to Barb Charlton (513)899-3793 and-or

Sandy Hale (513)899-3246 as soon as you can please




August 7th: Stonelick Lake Show

August 27th: Harlan Township Show @ Whitacre Park

August 28th: FARM Club Picnic @ Oeder’s Lake


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Jim Hurst at 513-877-2765

Gene Bustle at 513-899-3008 or Margeneb@embarqmail.com

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501or RCR@FUSE.NET


Until next month!


Roger Walker, FARM Club secretary wctractorguy@aol.com